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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

TMR common test 2 must buck up i didn't even know today hav chinese until QUI FENG(jie) told me sobs didn't manage to learn sigh sure fail againtoday went mac wth WAI LUN, JOEY,VIVIAN,QUI FENG and WAN QI after that i told qf to bring ee min to BB court after eng remedial(sry dunno how 2 spell) then i anmd wai lun played bb so long w8ing for her she nvr come guess wat?? she went to volleyball cca FUCKING???then nvm went up took thumbdrive then the library we booked a com started doing then funny so a senior of NPCC a sec 3 then we i he and his friend samuel played DEAL or NO DEAL funny sio we were so happy when left with two case and the top ONE MILLION isn't chosen yet then between err.....21 and 26 i think he go picked num 6 and guess wat???the one million flew from his hands and it was damn funny cause we told him nOOOOOOOO!!!!!but he selected 26 so sad in the end he got 100 dollars only eh eh eh money face only a game lah no CASH sad sigh then do fuinish then played BB(basket ball) wth wai lun then play until sec three a two sec 3 student came ask for 2 on 2 then we won them for first two sets hahaz third set i was injured and went home wth wai lun funny took the bus then met NCO selina then we sit behing her after that near the interchange tHAT TIME WAI LUN LOOKED DOWN AT THE FLOOR AND SUDDENLY HE FROM HIS SIT RUN FORWARD SAYING EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....THEN I TOK HE GOING TO FALL THEN I SEE RITE U KNOW WAT??? HIS BASKETBALL DROPPED AND HE CHASED AFTER THE BALL ALL THE WAY TO THE ENTRANCE OF THE BUS IT WAS DAMN FUNNY SIO!!!!.......erm ya sry for wat i said wan qi i was joking sry.....
GOOD LUCK FOR ALL OUR COMMON TEST 1-3 and all jiess and korsss and meiss eh do i have a mei??
have a good test
have a good time
bless us all
my dear 1-3
is the best!!!!

notes of a tragedy
6:41 PM

Saturday, March 28, 2009

sigh today nth to do wanted to search for sound effects for thew IR thingie but then cant find any so wented on to change my blogskin i changed and picked for so long abt 2 hrs or so i think then came through one of my last blogskin [R]etro [F]ever a vry colourful one which i used last year sigh
colourful stands for=happy!!!
so when was i happy? primary school sob... memories started flashing abt my life when i am a JWPS student i seriously wish to rewind the the time and make amendments here and there but that was totally impossible so now all i wish is to have a succesful 6B meeting!!!! with MS Chong and my fellow CLASSMATES examples are=WeI jIe, GoRdOn,BoOn JiE,JuN haO,Yu WeI,ElAnGesh(boys) gals i dun think so lah sure to miss u my beloved 6Best the most cheerful and relax class i ever met!!!
will my wish come true?
hope so that happens
see u soon my dears!!!

notes of a tragedy
4:15 PM

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

it was a long day visiting dogs cute and interesting dogs i would say wanted to post more but cant sigh this day splited up into three post enjoy err we were unlucky for it to rain so heavily when we wanted to go back for that our shoes are totally drenched including ourselves i wanted to write more but just being piss off by actions so got to put an end to this post but seriously zhi jia low pest out thr look carefully is not that people are cowards but people can be kind sometimes...

notes of a tragedy
9:53 PM

nce dog

not cute but okay luhs

cool dogs fierce though

another cute and lovely dog

love it so much

notes of a tragedy
9:21 PM

chee meng here cute horhs

it seems so like they kissing
each other

here comes the innocent one

me and (K9) hahaz

hatred is all left with me
i agree
a life without problems will be a barren existence
still some problems exist
causing the whole world the whole Earth to be so cold...

notes of a tragedy
8:59 PM

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

haizz i seriosly is really REALLY starting to hate you more even ....i wun leak out who is the another person i hope! i bless! that u tis wildboar know who u r out thr i hack care even if now currently u are reading my bloggie my last warning stop ur stupid excuses those are so lame shit today(nobody go home wth me) wat shit is tat dun tell me u scared of ghost that is impossible or u scared being kidnapped stop ur lame excuses one look at u and can proof that u are trying ways and means to escape from ur duties thinking will would wipe ur bottoms for u? dream on let me tell u this the section u are in charge of have been left blank and we are not going to do for u wipe ur own bottoms or we will just tell teacher about it!!! after learning wat is unfair from u i will not clean wat i should not suppose to clean u hear that!!!!

notes of a tragedy
9:18 PM

Saturday, March 21, 2009

haiz came back from camp fun sia zzz
starting of camp, we played some scary games hahaz one confidence fall two canteen tables that high and we need to to back fall from it so fun and not at all scary i went two times lorh so fun while the gals iseriously dun understand thr is nth to be afraid about serious and the suicide window we flipped our bodys through the air another not scary wan but the gals sigh after that we had some adventure games running around finding clues getting info completing the game so fun sio 0.o forget to say my mighty grp ESSO MOBIL consist of Ric, Kah Keng, me, jennifer, yun yee, mei fang, marrissa we r totally VICTORIOUS hahaz...then a game we came across is the one using our mouth to bite the cup and transfer the water fun sio then our leader for our grp NCO LING LING zzz she go make us lorh instead of helping us she go say: Ya Ya eye contact...kiss Ya kiss splash water ya ya then make us until all wet as the water is not divert totally and splashed on our face shorts and shirts in the end of the game guess wat we did...we took out our cups get a full cup of water and chased NCO ling Ling all the way then we all splashed at her until she all wet hahaz went sleeping at nite and the floor damn hard to sleep somemore so many mosquito lawls then midnite my grp duty 2o'clock to 2.45 our century duty woke up and patrolled the sch haiz then go back sleep hardly can sleep lorh
WE woke up at 5o'clock so early and not enough sleep... My victorious ESSO went another game again we found clues here and there and we found the magic wand under the guidence of of our ncos then we are the first team to complete but the second day bunk inspection haiz all thx to that and the PT kit after lunch for the second day we already did 140 PUMPING tired...then the campfire the wood is manufactured and the fire did not last but to express our love towards the ncos and tis camp we composed a song with the rythm of seasons in the sun it goes like this
Goodbye to you my trusted friend
we've know each other since we enter NP
together we've done drills and cheers
learned of love and discipline
skinned our hearts and skinned our feets

Goodbye NCOs it's hard to leave
After knowing you all for so long
Now your spirit is in our heart
LOving CIs everywhere, think of them and they'll be there

WE have camp we have fun
we have training every week
we thought of giving up
but we endure to the end
so we just want to say
a big thank you to you all
for the guidence and the care
that you showered on us all...

although it was out of tune somewhere somehow but it was all our hard work and our song moved the NCO hearts and we were awarded the first for the cheer so happy then nite movie screening madagascar 2 watch before liao then i bao feng and wai lun sleep throughout the whole thing hahaz...then went back bunk sleep tis time we slept vry good as use to the hard floor liao
woke up at 5++near six played some easy games and did area cleaning my grp in charge of cleaning the bunk while the wai lun toilet and the bin hao carpark and the chee meng is canteen other grp i forget liao then the ncos gave up prizes and my grp got the FIRST!!!!!ESSO MOBIL got first in cheer and a game and chee meng grp got one award is the for the i forget liao then others dun hav prizes there is six grp and five prizes but two of the prize is for the best campus three is for the grp we got 2/3 and another one chee men grp took it but nvm the best campus for sec 2 is a gal from dun know which grp then the best campus for sec 1 is..u guess and i was shocked too u know why it is me!!!! hahaz so happy then the prize presentation is over then the parade which i dun wan to say cause we falled in and stayed still for so long until our legs are all wobbly then packed debrief AND home sweet home at last of this msg i would like to say one thing I LOVE U ESSO MOBIL U ARE THE BEST TEAM EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

notes of a tragedy
10:13 PM

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

yesterday could say almost almost whole day not in singapore went where?zzz malaysia i go thr oso dun know do wat de maybe just go thr shop but i rather go play outside or maybe just meet up wth some friends those would be better sigh why?cause i lost something then kena scolded is like everything my fault lik then sian but yesterday bought a new spects the spects i actually wanted white colour but sadly dun hav sigh so went along with black is like the spects nvr change like that then went home then sleep nth much actually post this out of bored....

notes of a tragedy
12:01 PM

Sunday, March 15, 2009

changed new blogskin new songs but i still feel empty and something seems to be lacking and i seriously dunno wat is it wat is lacking wat is happening for example tmr maths have supplementary???anybody could tell me is a vry good example of definitely confused so sianz at home wish to sleep but cant as i still have hw to do i seriously is looking forward to next thursday as my npcc camp is reaching hahaz is a three day 2 nite camp i think i would enjoy it lolz
why must things turn out this way?
wat in the world is happening?
where have they gone?
what is there lacking?

notes of a tragedy
12:34 PM

notes of a tragedy
12:29 PM

Saturday, March 14, 2009

notes of a tragedy
10:47 PM

Friday, March 13, 2009

haiz every thing seems to hav gone wrong for me i bet by now every body thinks i am the one in wrong as given her mouth i tink every body know wat is the fractured story by her...haiz the fact is....
she nvr do project all the time de then nvm i juz told her as the left over chocalate spilt into joey and i 2 and she and kurniawan 1 as they always nvr do de then she wan more nvm cant be help given her nature she liks sweets so is chocalate but the thing is she said unfair wat is unfair?if the defination of unfair is joey and i always do those project and got two is unfair then u hav failed ur english congrats... but she say we picked on those dates she not free oiiii u out thr u may be looking at my bloggie rite now but i dun care see if ur memory is good remember that time feb joey asked u when u free for projects remember i witnessed that u think oso nvr think and replied i all days mon-fri not free i remembered vry clearly joey too u can ask her so...this is the defination of fair? huh? think for urself u dickhead

notes of a tragedy
9:21 PM

Thursday, March 12, 2009

notes of a tragedy
4:17 PM

Saturday, March 7, 2009

phew just came back from camp and soo fun!!! nya vry hard to sleep in the hall as there is three main reasons (1) the floor vry de hard (2) vry hot
(3) Wei Jian and wai lun and ming young vry noisy chatting about love and secrets...(but funny)btw starting of the camp is okay de actually we had alot of fun especially pulling the sheep over as hong liang itself pulled out one of the leg of the sheep and me?i pulled out one more leg and the head cute lorh the sheep left with only the body lolz... then the most enjoyable part of the first day is?BATHING u know why? i queued up together wth a malay unknown guy and wai lun and hong liang and we went to the ladies eh!!!dun get the wrong idea the second floor de the first floor is for the gals but the second floor we used for bathing de so dun get the wrong idea arghs those sickening ones out there...then the boys one not so good the thing is we went in already flood and no cubicles we the counsellers collected alot of water in pail and poured on us over and oover again so cooling lawls then the other side is their counsellers poured on them a little by little so not siok!! hahazthen go sleep oh btw their lunch everything sucks the rice soft until can do sushi already lol then next morning which is today morning woke up at five and then the teacher tell us to sleep a little bit more as we assemble at 6.30 so dun need so early...then went down for PE (so called) then go eat then make roller coaster then do cheer WAY TO GO GRP vietnamese dong!!!!wooo!!!!we got the 6 place overall over err...32 grps Pro? rite?? hahaz then our class cheer came in 3rd!!!! pro horhs!@!! so happy haiz came to the end of my msg oh ya (sorry if got spelling error!!)

notes of a tragedy
11:17 PM

Friday, March 6, 2009

Hi now currently can't post liao com got virus so sorry...

notes of a tragedy
8:34 AM

Sunday, March 1, 2009

haizz yesterday no time 2 post so today post barh yesterday fun sia but a pity as wai lun nvr come he say have stuffs to attend so bad for him lorh then i called and decided to meet with a few friends to go sch together then we scared late as i meet them at bus interchange at 6... but i reach at 6+++ then bus 30 came along so we board the bus who knows reach thr the side gate not open so we walk to the front gate then halfway through the another side gate a lorry went in so we tought hai nvm just go in lorh who knows when we went in we saw the front gate is still not open all the npcc and basketball members are all outside including our sir and ma'am so scary then we shocked then suddenly the main gate open wooh! lucky us then went there so fun lawls until i slip and fell after stepping on the mud then my whole shoe turned browm my shorts stained with mud then went home lol so funny we went KFC eat together wth Qi long, yi ming,yong kee, and bao feng then the yi ming bought the vry de big mashed potato and a large burger and a drinks wth cheese fries and yet he ate all up pro lorhs some pictures for u to see for ur info we went to marina barage i oso wanted to take a photo of bao feng then he keep running so yi meng helped me to stall him but when i took it seems like a gay photo

notes of a tragedy
3:09 PM