Tuesday, May 26, 2009
sigh today lost 1 matches and didn't made it to the finals
but nvm we did our best is just unluckiness
for the stomachache to happen so nevermind cheer up WAN QI!!!!
so anyway we putted up a good fight with 1-4 so yea sastisfied
so just relax tmr support them can liao
oh ya today after bmt at school went to visit my former form teacher
with wei jie my old best friend maybe i will say my
first brother at school?
well alot to catch up
chat... chat...chat....then we went home nth really
but i really enjoyed today as i get to see my teacher on her B'DAY
and get to meet my "brother" after so long sigh anyway thats all bb
notes of a tragedy
10:28 PM
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
yesterday so fun played at the boon lay lan the dota
i noob lorh but still LR i like it better
eddy so pro min young, wai lun , wei jian and me versus him
we tio owned leh
sigh then i went home liao they play basketball or soccer i forget liao
today my MUM on course
MY DAD went work
MY BRO studying at school alone at home
one whole day as my bro study till 3.30 came back bathe go to tuition
my father 8.30 come back
my mum 7pm then come back hahaz!!!!!!!!
later going out playing BMT with min young
thats all buaiiss
notes of a tragedy
10:54 AM
Friday, May 15, 2009
today went alot of places
horhs when i and wai lun going back home at the escalator,one scissors dropped and landed near my feet scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sigh but luckyno time le bb
notes of a tragedy
1:47 PM
Thursday, May 14, 2009
todayso funny wai lun found his english file at KFC then we went MAC to eat afterthat i take zong hong ipod and runaway to the top of mac then he go chase me soo funny lorh after that on 240 wai lun discover he left his file at MAc hahaz
notes of a tragedy
12:33 PM
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
sigh todaY HAD MY laugh, wai lun kana tricked by the 5 naughty guys eh including me PSPS then horhs he HE finish liao called us ask where we are we told him at KFC then he come liao he come in at the front door then we sit at one corner he walk walk walk nvr see us then went out at the back door then actually we decided to act never see him de but he really never see us he started calling jeroemy again "hello where are you all?""we at MAc lah"and then we see him walk all the way to macdonalds so funny min young the only good guy called him and told him we at Kfc once again we see him running back to Kfc so funny lorhsthen when he comes we all almost eat finish liaothen min young said he got H1N1 so he go pour the ice in his cup to wei jianjeroemy saw that and say i join in the end the whole lot of ice all gathered at the wei jian tray i decorated it with some chilli and the whole thing is like some glass pieces with some blood!!! have a look at this picture
nice? sigh gtg buaiis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eh ya horh my MAths...die liao..............................................................................................
notes of a tragedy
4:12 PM
Friday, May 8, 2009
sigh today took history MYE i all oso can de but frget how to do inference DIE LIAO but today funny lah after school went to finish my CME then we submit to that MRS tan then told her Gokul didn't do anything then after that she told us who haven hand in and tell us to inform them wei jian called Zhi Jia then zhijia so funny lawlsmrs tan ask who she hand in to then wei jian help her ask lah then horhs she say mrs tan so wei jian pass the phone over then mrs tan talk to her........................then went pulse studio play therewe dance jumpstyle in the dark cause the 1-2 shutted all lights then min young hurt by jeffrey then min young took 246 i and wei jian and wai lun took 240then on bus we discuss where to eat decided we go lai lai wai lun dun mind but wei jian mind then i go add noodles same as wei jian while wai lun only eat chocken ricehe still hungry so sad i and wei jian so full lorh wei jian eat like baby he stained his uni with sauce hahazthen shop then walk to the bus interchange i saw a sony errison flyer then i faked fell down went kick the flyer who knows wai lun stepped on it and really nearly fell so funny!!!!then bus 243W come liao i run lorh beforei run i heard wai lun say i never chase after bus de who knows when i run until there,i saw a F1 formula chasing the bus who is it?LIM WAI LUN!!!!! hahazsigh came to the end of my post good luck for rest of the MYEhope we stay in EXPRESS
notes of a tragedy
9:18 PM
Saturday, May 2, 2009
sigh got scolded this few days i wun say scolded erm maybe accused would be a better term?
let me tell you the story
1) yesterday went home late then my father go scold me this one not accused
but he scold me then get all unrelated stuff togather and blast at me like everyday play basketball i tried to tell him i hardly touches basketball nowadays but!!!!i haven't say already kana wack fuck sia i was totally fed up with him hey i not ur dog leh neither am i ur cat or watsoever pet u own i am a human being dude!!! erms not dude is entirely a fucker
2) today went to KFC ate with Wai lun, Min young, wei jian, luther david and jeroemy then when go back i boarded the bus 154 then the entrance thingie close liao then jeroemy and others
(J run) across the road i only wave my hands in the bus marh then i dunno which idiot go press the bell profusely then the bus captain turn the head never see who then started to scold me liao i feel like argueing with her and fuck her off i wanted to scream at her BITCH and then leave the bus sigh tolerated with that bitch( bus captain so wat accuse me and that idiot press the bell oso de own up lah!!!! coward! moron! mother fucking bundei)
3) came home got sweat accidentally lie on my bro bed scolded again then sian...
4) mother scold me again for using computer now hated my family so muchhhhhhhh
you know what in my family none of them is loved and you know what
question setted for you
Qs: who i love most in my house???
*pls ans at my cbox
ans will be revealed if you ask me at school hahaz thats ya buaiis
notes of a tragedy
3:41 PM