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Monday, December 28, 2009

wa dead bloggie le haiz

notes of a tragedy
11:45 PM

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

LOLS hi guys i m back frm my grandma hse and i think ill be going back soon too LOLS one of my cousin still there and my brother going back today and oso another cousin is going back soon after he settle his stuffs in school and library lols well actully staying there quite fun lah cause got one bball court so near except for recently got construction going on and all the lines of the bball court gone LOLS haha go once i threw one bball nd flew to the playground then hit the slide and went for the carpark and hitted a car i forget wad car but the car plate number is SHHHH lols go buy 4D myself.... underage hahax we play mutliplayer GTA there lols so violent haha... one of my cousin is camper another leh only know how 2 ZAO when he see us LOLS everynight we all play PSP until midnight i think abt 2-3 then sleep?
and woke up at 8-10 LOLS for breakfast HAHAX lols life as normal my grandpa siao siao de he bought 9 big packet of kik kat inside each containing 6 small LOLS we eat like mad but mostly he eat and prawn crackers he keep on buying like hell and eating like thats his lunch lols OH recently went my malaysia relative wedding with all my cousins lols the wedding ceremony was hell in a secondary school hall near their hse cause near their hse de restuarant not that big lols 100 over tables hahax then horh.... those beer gals are actually part tie workers and r all secondary school students LOLS so pretty HAHAX all of my cousin say de actually me too lah HAHAX we at ther all siao diao u know last time the jolly shandy that jeroemy drank and have alcholic content? lols i drank 8 can of those so nice i mean actually i think bitter? and 2 cans of beer hahax beside me that uncle so scary the whole fce turn red le LOLS and then left frm there hahax i 5.45 reach woodlands OMFG the JAM there is freaking FREAKING horrifying lols nvm we went to tuas lorh hang there no jam lols
we reach sg quite late le then my father dropped us of at the carpark behind my grandma hse we took alot of stuffs... i so happen to take a white plastic bag with all those sandals and my bro wanna change to slippers so my father he like a little pek qek snatch away the plastic bag and faster threw it to him and nvr return me lols i so blur nvr notice then he drove off then i relise OMG the slippers! lols so i chase after car walao chase halfway my shoelace came off WTF!!! then i rush again chase until outside the carpark at the route there walao the carpark so long stretch one L shape leh super long L lols then luckily those dragon dancers crossing route and stopped my father frm accelerating anymore LOLS i told them it is with them our slippers they dun believe and said was in a plastic bag then i thought he stuffs it into the big big yellow bag LOLS i so dumb and i ran back who noes it is not there LOLS so dumb sio wasted one nice marathon hai hey thats all for today bb

notes of a tragedy
10:10 AM

Saturday, November 28, 2009

...i guess everybody knows i have a psp and it is so damn spoiled...recently there is a plan to go my grandma house at bukit batok there worh so far and i wont bring my laptop there of course!! cause there no internet connection marh bring oso no use lols i am going to stay there for quite long cause all my cousins all going there marh plus me and my bro lols there are 4 of us... but will be very sian de cause nth to do there if even my psp spoil... so emo there? no lah do something lah... fix my psp? that will be 160+++ WOW...better then nothing hw long? 2 weeks by then i would have return frm my grandma house >.< so i bought new one! lols blue color de but but the game not nice leh anyway i think my cousin all have psp le hehe lols then we all have psp see got same game marh can multiplayer? lols then chiong together fun nia last year i oso lik that hahax... GTA chinatown not fun de everything ariel view u see until ur eys pa jiao ... no ppl come my bloggie NVM lols i intend to eend it soon like DAVID de hehe dun care le off BB

notes of a tragedy
8:34 PM

Monday, November 23, 2009

now blocking my music spam again MWAHAHA!!! lols so lame sia why i so bo liao ... this bloggie so sian close down?

notes of a tragedy
8:31 PM

zzz became worst hai

this should be enough HEHE

notes of a tragedy
8:30 PM

zzz became worst hai

spam this should be enough HEHE

notes of a tragedy
8:30 PM

zz that video blocking the tagboard let me push that thingie down!!! MWAHAHAHAHA

notes of a tragedy
8:27 PM

lols hi everybody i have a very nice thingie!! found it is a korean song a 2009 K-pop remix of 28 different korean songs frm all different songs that remix until very nice!!! all little parts of different songs added up excellent!! lols this is it!

notes of a tragedy
8:25 PM

zzz have a fcking quarrel with my father and tio wallop with bruises now zzz dun care lah fcker sia zzz u think u wad argh? fck off lah jibai everytime oso like that u beware! fcker i dun tolerate any nonsence frm any body de ANYBODY!!! NOT EVEN YOU FCKER!!! becareful kays! watch ur step and beware get ur hands or ass burn kays? fcker

notes of a tragedy
4:03 PM

Saturday, November 21, 2009

well its time to say the whole story zzz i lazy dun post picture can? or next time la LOLS again lets start frm the first day there at genting a bored day cause nth much to do cause when hotel check in is already at 4 0'clock le then we went to play arcade (me and my bro) and all outdoor actvities are canceled cause the cloudy weather LOLS it was OMFG if only u were there to see the weather it was freaking cold there on the first day and u cant see the outdorrs through ur window LOLS then at night went to watch a movie call poker king frm hong kong and it is a cantonese movie lols freaking nice and funny that show is contradicting we watched that frm 7.15 to 9+++ then we go eat lols after that went back hotel sleep le boring day rite?

2nd day:lols i bought outdoor and indoor ticket zzz outdoor again to misty and cloudy that all the process have been stopped sian then indoor the roller coaster under maintenance cant play sad case... then i went t play bumber car lols quite fun hahax met few frens there lols oine guy vry cute he kept on looking at me then i loook back lorh then he laugh lols another is one who seems like jovi my pri school mate lols seriously he look so like him... at abt evening that time i went to outdoors this time i have no idea it was so cold as i see everybody running with jackets looking for shelter and the first day i was oso so cold but that day i was like immune to that cold and i only wore one clothes i dunno why seh lols and myclotes is a T-shirt!!! so nvm i go play the cycling on water that one solo go cycle damn tired so i cycle very far then i rest there in the middle of water and clud i cant even see other boats wow and it was freaking cooling!!! hahax then went to see the 3D motion master very sian nth de so fake lorh lols this is the part we are going to watched 2012 and we planned to watch it at 1 midnight!!! lols and that show is freaking long!!! so we ended up end at 3.40 and we slept at 4 till abt 8 lols that explains why yesterday i post so short and claim that i was tired hahax

3rd day
i bought some stuffs 3 keychain one watch two nike T-shirts nearly wanna buy shoes de then suan le we went to eat breakfast at 8+++ then after that went shopping and lastly boarded the coach and that thingie took abt 7 hours b4 reaching singapore u should know how bred am i that day lols kays that all abt this there are some interestings things but i shall post it some other time as it is all in pic form or video form but i have very little pic taken lols bb

notes of a tragedy
10:03 AM

Friday, November 20, 2009

well hi guys its been dunno how many days i have been away lols nothing much actually i went to a placewhich i went countless of times which makes me bored... seriously lols i went genting once again lorh zzz so sian went there well there is alot plenty freaking much fog there OMFG it was freaking cold u know!!! zzz i just reached home only quite tired tmr ill post one detail thingie abt this kk with pictures and ill explain why am i tired lols bb

notes of a tragedy
11:31 PM

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

...have not been exercising this few days camp at home or ppl home exercise fingers only zzzsian seriously i have nth to type and i am typing and contradicting lols sian one wierd thing i recently i hosted aa visit to our primary school to meet my ex form teacher a good one definetly not LEE lao shi...LOLS sian but i cant go funny? sian all cause i so blur lorh i have no one to blame except for myself lols i thought is last thursday then who know it is this thursday so i cant atten because got program le sad case... but still i wish those attending have a good time good chat with MC zzz gtg bb BYE

notes of a tragedy
2:44 PM

Friday, November 13, 2009

well today started off by a bad day zzz woke up very tired cause yesterday midnight then sleep then just now rite i play wt again i lagger mah then cause wj to lag then at last e dun wan play le then i emo lorh sia then w8 for alvin to finish one fcking 30 min long match of DM he bullying i w8 w8 w8 w8 w8 then at last he end the match with a fcking wownderful score cause they bullying noobs but i still in iventory without warning he started another game then left me there again fcker rite jibai bloody specker fck lan larh sian then now nth to do and no mood to do anything because of a bastard...
if u r seeing my bloggie rite now u unhappy then i shall tell u there is nth u can do block me somemore fcker all this are the facts and i am just saying it out fcker unhappy come settle jibai

notes of a tragedy
11:57 AM

lols this few days kept on chiong gaming lols zzz so fun almost everyday play till midnight like now... then the next day woke up damn early to play again lols so SIAO!! but today seriously got pissed off lorh who pissed me dun say lah but pls next time dun do that again can? cause i seriously not in good mood le then hai suan le nvm just dont do it again then can le sian min young at korea cant play wt with me so sad then just told him i and wj created new acc to on and my kill ratio plus wl and my bro started playing le he was like really argh wow LOLS zzz too late le later kana scolding yesterday play till 2 midnght nearly got killed by parents LOLS so today better end here LOLS BYE and see all of ya soon

notes of a tragedy
12:51 AM

Monday, November 9, 2009

LOLS so happy yesterday i just bought a laptop!!! my very first one LOLS and then was a heppy day till night got fcking scolded for all my things my cardboard my table and more wtf zzz sianzzz then faster went sleep eh nth to post actually

notes of a tragedy
9:56 AM

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

well i am real tired today so i suppose this post is going to be a short one LOLS serious i am out in the 8 this morning and have been playing sports till 6+ so tired... u see yesterday i already setted today morning play badminton with few of my primary school friends KELVIN, JUSTIN, ALVIN lols thinking of it now its been a year since i am in bmt CCA while they are still in well of course i deprove alot serious and they improve alot but still i thrashed them once three in a row LOLS tyco de others is they thrash me so i guess i am no longer that good LOLS and then i went back home to have a change of items frm badminton racket to bball lols then i went to look for nic with my bike who knows a went down a curb and my handle the whole thing went down so suan le i next time them fix then today the weather isn't that good lols rain heavy abt for 4-5min then no rain and this happen few times today i think at least 4 times lols so we went to eat mac then later NIC de ..... (darling) came le then the whole place became very bright because of me LOLS but still it was a fun there to day i alerted my old wound again lols pain.... overall good day is that i dunno if tmr i can walk anot after straining my muscles for one whole day lols thats all for today gtg bb LOLS

notes of a tragedy
9:22 PM

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Well life is real miserable for me this few days except for the afternoon well recently i just somehow hurt my ankle by a stupid move of mine and fell onto the ground well not really ankle a little of ankle and actually a bone near the heel of my feet that explain why am i so pain when walking LOLS and yea am feeling better now can play bball le and oso can run le but still sometimes it will get a sudden ache up well nvm recovering fast dun worry be happy and just had a fcking quarrel with a fcker not my father though is my brother erm shouldn't call him that he not fit just call him wei xiong think he very cool fck off hated him bloody specker but our quarrel immediately ended once my father came back u know why??? not we scared him actually is something like that we are afraid he will get angry after all today is his b'day so well make his day happy u see LOLS ill end this with this LOLS "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!"

notes of a tragedy
8:24 PM

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

HI everybody as promised i changed a new blogskin and blog name i will add songs and links soon erm well i have alot to post de but not free well lets start erm few days ago okay everybodys knows abt my bike rite???? well last few days i nearly got caught by my father LOLS nearly real near u see i brought my bike to bball but my father might be coming back anytime and the thing is took the same lift with a prengnant woman and her family zzz when i got to the first floor i wanted to go out first but thinking that there is a pregnant woman ill let her first lorh and i saw my father outside my lift reading a letter so he didn't see me inside with my bike and luckily there a lift at my right came down and he took that lift so meaning if i had went out first i would have been caught by my father with my bike understand well i am really lucky that day and thentoda results erm not good lols sad but still at least maths got A2 lahs lols nvm hai so bored

notes of a tragedy
10:03 PM

Thursday, October 15, 2009

torture over lets get out and have fun
lols frenzy xP
exams over bet everybody writing this shit thingie on their bloggie
just like me lols
nvm today fun fun
hahax hai lazy post bb lols

notes of a tragedy
9:53 PM

Sunday, October 11, 2009

hahax i owned my older brother in bball
tio thrashed
zzz i so bored study study study
erm lets see lols 5 more days to exams over celebration for me
sad not for those in higher chinese
and lets see 4 more days to my another celebration
so bored today last tuition of the year another clap for me
and then zzz nothing more to post le
see i soooo bo liao like this still wanna post
but anyway i intend to change blogskin and song after exams
cause this blogskin is simply to bored and
i just dont find the mood to blog when i see this
anyway i bet thursday plenty of blog in singapore
will write hurray afterall exams over u see lol

notes of a tragedy
3:23 PM

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

HI guys
well this time real
i really dunno when ill post again
i know they are a grp of ppl who is afraid of dropping to NA
including me myself
but lets just do our very best in all this upcoming exams
lets strive together as a class
and shall all be promoted together to 2-3
so last and best wishes to all
JIAYOU 1-3!!!!!!

we can do alot of other stuffs once we cleared our exams
we can go frenzy
we can go mad
we can go happy
we can go sad

notes of a tragedy
9:14 PM

Thursday, September 24, 2009

hi i know i long time never post le zzz got
a lot of things to post de zzz
u know abt i secretly bought a bike last year without my parents knowing????
i have a post abt that nvm ill copy them over
k nvm i think i deleted the post zzz
erm it abt my parents dun let me ride and they
say hse now place park so i bought
myself a stunt bike and parked ouside actually at third floor
then i got caught once i said it was my friend de
i kept in his house for abt a year le
so today i went to take le so meaning i have my
stunt bike back LOLS so happy zzz thats all for today
1-3 jiayou exams!!!!! chiong revise BB

notes of a tragedy
8:50 PM

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

today damn ass funny LOLS
is like so damn funny zzz
i today went JP saw rachel,zhi jia and celeste
then min young dun wanna me to say hello
he wanted to sit inside de but i dun wan plus isadi hello LOLS
then they came but really i cant eat liao afterall see them the so called "appetizers"
i "fan wei" LOLS then we went popular buy styrofoam board and plastic board etc
then that thingie very big we played scissors paper stones
to see who bring home at last i won him all
then he brought them home tmr have to bring to school LOLS he
whole day became EMO hahax
well all the best for coming exams bye!!

notes of a tragedy
7:44 PM

Sunday, September 6, 2009

i got fed up and fck that hole this may be
the last time i will post until end of exams so must chiong lOLS
of course for a simple reason tio bannned fck that fcker
LOLS nvm just to say hi bye goodbye and good luck for exams i know it is still
a long way to go okay jiayou 1-3 zzz bb sobs....

notes of a tragedy
10:19 AM

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

hahax got alot of stuffs to post for the past few days de
hai one word to describe lazy LOLS
yesterday actually went ECP then we go film
i reach there then they tell me they dunno how to skate
win liao lorh then
celeste:fell down three times on her ass
rachel:ehhhhh not sure LOLS
zhi jia: i think one or two time i think three times too
vanessa:one time
LOLS then we go eat subway after that hahax then rain soooo heavily
then we go parkway by the time we reach there we were all wet lols
the clothes is totally drencehed then can squezeed water de so pro horh
then we take bus well this is the good news we all shiver like hell LOLS
hahax today worst suddenly ms zhang said
u dun wan oso must go that wateve darn ass counciller interview lol then i forced myself to go then i go ther play joke around lol dun need be le
then we go tear paper wat love me love me not lol so bo liao
hahax then i tought wat sports game we playing who knows all those lame really LAME
damn lame games LOLS so sian
then we went play basketball after that plus we play catching in canteen LOLS
no body there marh
then play till abt 6.50 lol
then go home i go try out fried bee-hoon
]damn nice and tasty u gotta try it out next time guys
LOLS thats all for today BYE

notes of a tragedy
9:44 PM

Friday, August 28, 2009

HI everybody zzz today damn funny everybody knows wai lun
LOST HIS WALLET with 45$$$ in exact inside
his ez link card was gone too then he walked to school with all his npcc stuffs
LOLS pity him but after we went back nth was lost his everything is still around when he claimed his wallet back all untouched money still inside ez-link card oso inside dun need worry luhs to day damn tired too lol march here march there
feel like skip cca again LOLS sian then after that i realised i
was nominated for becomimng a counseller nah i dun wan
LOLS have personal reason de lah
i once was prefect and moniter i knew it is not FUN unless it
is wat that swimming coach defination of fun LOLS
zzz anyway i had enough okay it might
seems fun to u all having a higher ranking or just organise events well
i am a little interested but i really prefer not to u know i had a hard time quiting prefect after doing half a year
okay i know prefect and couciller their duty isn't the same but
a little similiar so yea i dun really like lah
zzz ill quit and i would look for ms zhang on mon abt the nomination it isn't really written clear why i dun wan but yea nvm u will understand one day when
u imagine urself together with sec ones camp everyday morning seperated frm ur class becuz of duty everyday stay back to plan upcoming activities
planning and discussing abt happy teachers day happy chinese year happy new year
deepavali, hari raya or maybe even go up the stage perform u will be soooo damn not free so do u wan??? i wanted but i rather lead a carefree life thats why k simple as that
should i open the door
that i slammed
because of project should i?
i know i seem ridiculous
but i think i have to open
it to get results...should i
i knew i lost the key once to open
maybe i should just give myself a chance
and look for the key harder this time to open ur door
and pass that test to pick _____ again trying
struggling protesting my life my soul
like a life live a soul....

notes of a tragedy
9:29 PM

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

so unlucky that cost for our maths proposal is under 300,000 dollars
then we will fail one requirement WTH
save money wat!!wats wrong in spending only SGD 100,000+++
help u save money still deduct my marks F*** u!!!
stupid kaching zzz slack lah now
dun feel like doing
now today LOLS went eating then go play volleyball with gals
guess i too lame
cause no basketball marh so play volleyball lorh
LOLS i damn lousy sia
nvm nth to post bb

notes of a tragedy
5:46 PM

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hi everybody quite long never post le LOLS
HEY EVERYONE i today composed a poem!!!! quite sucking LOLS w8 argh
dotz cause i boring during ..... lesson so i go anyhow doodle on my paper
here it goes....

Like a life live a soul
things aren't easy
do u know?

Life is hard
love is dull
shinly brightly like a star

moments open
moments close
like the sunlight come and go
here i am, shouting out
like a life live a soul

LOLS rite damn lousy lorhs hahax i damn sian marh anyhow doodle got another one de but that one toooooo lousy le so toooooo embarresed to take out to see.... BYE thats all for now

notes of a tragedy
9:14 PM

Friday, August 14, 2009

well this is getting more and more complicated and was really get down both different answer who should i trust? and ya celeste i dun know if what they say is real if u hate me well i sincerely apologise if i said smth wrong or smth bed or just did smth u all dun like but if u dun accept my apology then be it well today tired damn tired npcc then basketball thens squeeze onto the bus with all those big and annoying bags i really felt tired not really that kind of tired but actually is struggling guess i really writing too much nonsence and inrelevent stuffs on my bloggie welll i am mad crazy plus tired kays g2g wan to warch the WHY WHY LOVE well byes and yuhs sry for not replying ur sms ..... tooooo lazy hahax plus i just now was debating again kays sry uhhs bye and ya goodnight although didn't reply u LOLS BUAIIS

notes of a tragedy
11:25 PM

Thursday, August 13, 2009

now i really fiond myself very wierd why would i ended up into this mess too??? LOLS i am not involved and well guess a there calafair lorh spel wrongly i think... got into this shit of mess which doesn't really belong to me in the first place

notes of a tragedy
10:25 PM

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

hihi LOLS i wanted to say abt yesterday how unlucky worh i dropped a notes in bus and the note slide to the first row we cant take lorh lol very crowded in bus at last stopped at traffic light we make our way there and took that notes then came out of the bus chatting with MY with the notes i suddenly crunch sound came out i tought i stepped on biscuit i turned my head and saw that it was a snail the shells are broken and slimes are squeezing out which nearly make me fainted plus i never bring thermometer and then maths lesson FUCKING MR CHING say i blah blah dun wan study wish to fck him he chased me home last monday and he gave the idea of the letter frm doctors that made me cant go school how do i catch up no brain fcking pig brain forgotten wat u did kaching??? dickhead scold me still wanna joke wat i have eyes for wei quan not funny lorh think u very cute fuck off lah stupid bastard fcker ching is not i wan scold one lorh but u this dickhead force me de i had an unlucky day still scold me u courting death is it if u weren't a teacher u sure get pointed by my longest finger long long time ago lorh u dick brainless fool then today hai no mood say le remind me of yesterday abt unlucky and fckness suan le BB

notes of a tragedy
5:57 PM

Saturday, August 8, 2009

sigh hahax erm today is saturday yea!!!!!
tuesday can go school le hahax
missed me???? LOLS
yesterday played bmt with friends gals though
but kelvin got go long time never see him slimmed down le lorh
he improved alot in his tech well afterall he practises every week
u noe why bmt CCA marh well me i lost touch
and haven really move my body for the past few days so yesterday
damn lousy nah i owned him first match but i got smash continously
in that first match until i kneel down too many times
my left knee is damn hurt it has a big patch of blue and red colour there
a blood clot wtf then i was owned all the other match as casuality
nah nvm i will buck up soon sure to own u next time hahax zzz
guess i really turned stiff
after yesterday exercise my whole body is aching today wtf
so pain later still need go out for project shit lah zzz
nah anyway just loved to say
LOLS guess i too lame le BUAIIS

notes of a tragedy
8:18 AM

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hi everybody well i know u ALL
missed me LOLS
...u wanna know the true story???
well first start with friday
i have a little flu and that **** got H1N1
well fck her cause me got chased out
of school early in morning never make the thingie for HE
FCK ALL... then nvm next MONDAY
then that fcking doctor like kao bei kao bu like that
sian sian cause i am the 185 patient
so she gave me a fcking ten day MC
just to brush me off
in the end no blood test go there
open mouth arh.....then over fck!!!
LOLS now monday
i got back school
with jeroemy and wei jian and david
on bus 246
...i went home once again because of that stupid
then the teachers
say wat ten day MC go home rest then fck
i no fever only flu go home then everybody
dun go school liao lawls fcking logic
stupid sickening doctors
i hate them
i went polyclinic waited for 3+++ hrs
just for that letter to certify i am fine can go school
this is wat MR CHING wans me to do
and then finally my turn
and that another sickening doctor dun issue me the letter and brush me off again
stupid polyclinic fuck off
and watever stupid teachers make me go ther come back go ther come back
fuck lah u think fun argh???
i not ur toy neither am i the doctors toy
u wan say anything say to the doctor by urself
dun make me run around like a fool
u noe wat i am damn mad

notes of a tragedy
10:45 AM

Friday, July 31, 2009

sigh actually i wan 2 say alot of things this few days de
well yesterday i went with wai lun to the JP to make the cake vry nce lorh
sian then met HER (diana) when i came out from 7-11...i pretended like i care although she kept on looking at me heck cared then i pretended nth happened.. lols
(i regreted doing something on 30 July 2009 is to give **** false hopes i wish i never turned up)

well today why i so early post everybody knoe liao lah
because of one gal got H1N1 in class then i got flu well
chased out of school have to go home and take the test for H1N1
bloody specker fck lah wh y u got H1N1 dick and wh yyou say u got cant u just keep it to urself now cause us dun have
lesson then go home liao so early go school no lesson go home
u think fun argh still skipped NPCC just tell me dun need go lah
waste my time my energy plsu made me so early wake up

this is the add on one i posted this actually in the morning now i add on
well i am DECLARED H!N! negative
but i feel like fcking up the damn doctor lah
she damn ass-hole lorh
like very kao bei kao bu like that....
wear a mask like really got H1N1
then i waited for 1 whole damn hour just
to go into the room she talk to me 1 min check me 1 min and i am 0ut
FCK rite?
i w8 so long for that 2 min
ridiculous then nvm she still gave me 10 DAYS MC
i was like wat the fck!!!! sigh missed npcc still fed up with****
so ya edited

notes of a tragedy
9:43 AM

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

fck u lah everytime complain say need to use com for school
work in the end oso play de jibai
i dun let u use then go to mum and complain are u a guy?
i think is a gay u noe a gay is wat
i guess u this IQso low de ppl dunno de lah
jibai complain complain
u have mouth a big one and only use it to complain dickhead
u this damn fcker only noe how 2 give those gao bei lian
then all oso dunno u dickhead wan use for game say lah
everytime act act lik watch me like that fck u lah
jibai who u think u are
act like gangster at home fcker go out kana whack wallop and hoot lah
hope u go hospital and hospitalised for two months dun wish 2 see u and ur bloddy face

notes of a tragedy
5:10 PM

Monday, July 27, 2009

Well u may think i am slamming the door too hard but i really cant take it
it is too ear piercing for me for us!!!
we didn't wish
not to leave an escape route but if we do it
we will end up like "u" **** **** so
cant blame us on that likewise look at u
u still struggling to break free and fly and move on
but look around u? we flew as far as we could not because we wan
but we have no choice
at that time where u decided to take flight
u should flew away further
just becasue u are still near, a fishing rod
will just keep on pulling u back by means...

notes of a tragedy
6:35 PM

Sunday, July 26, 2009

hey maybe u should just wake up alrite
i really dun wish to say it all out
word by word
it will be a very sticky situation
so pls stop ur annoying fcking screams
and whine u are not a kid okay!!!!
if u know wat i meant by saying this
well it will be good but if not nvm then i
will try my best to really tolerate a little longer ......
SM ppl knoes this

notes of a tragedy
9:57 AM

Thursday, July 23, 2009

well...so cold so silent guess this blog is really getting down really down sigh....
...do "you" think u deserve the "trust"
i kind of think trough ur actions, u really should not be getting trust
u knoe? i actually alrdy think so
but i think u still have chance to change
but after today, i really must admit
the fact we are not looking at covers but ur heart anyway does it concerns u
u really are a ****** and a **** and oso ***** really u dont deserve any trust and i really cant tolerate anymore morever if u see this well i will heck care even if u threaten to tell ******* which i really regreted telling u and u really have a *** ***** pls wake up from the "dream" of "urs" u dun do things u like u are not the boss neither the president so just shut ur *** ***** and **** *** take it that i am begging u pls u ***** and ****

notes of a tragedy
4:08 PM

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I really wondered why love exist
in students....
is it really meaningful???
Once again saw one of my friend got hurt
in love is it really worth it?
it isn't the first time which happen
alot of my friendss encountered it before
it definitely felt terrible rite?
so i dun blame u for getting angry abt little stuffs
just rest well
well another questions that i have been pondering over
does a crush really have to end up stead???

notes of a tragedy
9:19 PM

Monday, July 20, 2009

hey maybe u should just wake up alrite
i really dun wish to say it all out
word by word
it will be a very sticky situation
so pls stop ur annoying fcking screams
and whine u are not a kid okay!!!!
if u know wat i meant by saying this
well it will be good but if not nvm then i
will try my best to really tolerate a little longer ......
SM ppl knoes this

notes of a tragedy
3:49 PM

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

well gotalot of things to post deno time but now it is complaining time
abt my family
no particular abt my brother
i think no abt wei xiong cause
he is not fit to be one now typing all his
remarks behind him
fuck lah
nvm everytime use the computer then play on9
then say he doing wat home econ just fck off
then yesterday i played wolfteam for second time only
second time only horh
then he say i everytime play wtf lah
anyway today went back to school to submit
xiao hui i called u abt over ten times nvr listen
then reach school met my madm again
got scolded today worh now own her
a fried chicken lol
then met ms zhang at last
when we went back, i saw a 154 i told him that
it is near the MAC there
then wei jian brought me to run at last we miss the 154 all thx to him
and his good inverted commas brain
then suddenly another bus came
and we were sooo happy
when that bus reached our school main gete bus stop guess wat happen
a women surnamed ZHANG
not married board the bus
chatted with her lol

notes of a tragedy
9:14 PM

Friday, July 10, 2009

well life's a bitch i admit this time round
well today.....okay nvm dun talk abt it
just wan 2 say I HATE GALS WHO CRY
anyway today there is a good news to me
we went to the kepo badminton court today
and well i own Min Young 4matches
royal flush all four!!!
sigh so happy over it but oso quite tyco de lah but this is the
first time i win him until soooo shuang
we changed our clothes on the stage halfway
got one guy come in and claim that we cannot play
at the hall and we was like
WTF...>no racket how play
and he claims that he saw with his own eyes
WOW he can see things i cant
guess his eyesight lacking le
pitty him soooo much
lol hav fun today?
okay lah

notes of a tragedy
6:38 PM

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

guess i am mad lol
today after school go play basketball in the rain
...tmr fever cant go school...
no is ah chie
watever alot of thingie happened today well anyway
zong hong's ball dropeed in to the drain
then i really had my laugh
plus he did some silly mistake oh anyway
this post is the 1oo!!! post!!!

notes of a tragedy
5:40 PM

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

hey guys quite long never post le ya ya watever
well hey i created a tagged account hahaz and
my first friend on it was miyuko she is a japanese
and really cool well i think she is pretty
next time post her picture

notes of a tragedy
7:19 PM

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy birthday!!!! LIM CHEE MENG 13 years old already
and really sorry cant attend ur request
well today went play badminton at 9.30
of course lah wat an idiotic question
played with min young first set he won me
secoond set hahaz!!! i won him...
then played double i and jia hao VS
u wan know the score?
heng argh sooo damn lucky!!!!
hahaz so happy...

notes of a tragedy
2:51 PM

Thursday, July 2, 2009

wat the fuck!!! lah
wat next time dun bring
stupid sia only play basketball marh
but didn't expect to miss the time another
thing i didn't expect is Le Yuan she joined us play
for slimming? not sure but one thing i can be sure is her shot very accurate
well she scored quite a number...
didn't expect leh
get back to the topic!
everytime threaten me with father cant
u just fuck off
u wan say then say lah stop repeating the same old words without doing it
such a nag
so wat dun bring does it mean my friend wont wat an idiot
stupid fool!

notes of a tragedy
5:45 PM

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

o well dun scream at me is ur unluckiness
who am i refering to?
well today played basketball with zong hong and min young it was so damn funny
i will just say a part!
so must listen argh
or i will kill u!!!
so we were abt to go back then i said to zong hong if
i scored a two-pointer
u love sim hwee
and he replied if u dun u stead wit vinian
well u should know i wound NEVER
then i rejected his offer
he offered himself then saying if he score i
....... the same one
and then i replied if he dun he have to stead wit
now guess wat happened?
well sim hwee on his list
and then min young if i miss u un have to stead wit sim hwee
if i score u will stead with EE min too
two galfriends came his way hahaz!!!!
well he gave me the idea of stead so
dun blame me for that lah

notes of a tragedy
4:38 PM

Monday, June 29, 2009

Finally i have a topic to talk about
well it was abt today
hey u got to listen to this it is quite cool
no actually not
well today the crazy us(chee meng, me, wai lun, wei jian and brandon) guess what
we walked all the way to JP!!! from the mac near our school!!!
hahaz are we crazy?
NOPE it sure was fun but tiring
hey it was a long walk though
at first we wanted to take shortcut
but then become longcut
all ur fault brendan!!! hahaz
well it took us about 1 hr 26min to reach JP
and we missed about 6 154 bus HEY not including other bus!!
sigh it was quite funny when brendan took the bus at
the min young bus-stop as it is only one stop to JP
and oh ya hey i got a picture when we are coming back u wan see?
er sry something missing cant load nvm
hey anyway today was fun and ya
Leader:Min Young
Assistant Leader:Shin yun
Noise controller: Qiu Feng
No Rank: Wei Quan
hey it is a blessing for me to be rankless!!!!

notes of a tragedy
6:40 PM

Sunday, June 28, 2009

well today quite sasitified le barh
bought a new handphone!!!
wat model???
ya think so but then
it result that i lost all contacts again...
well this nvm
remembered i said i send my psp
to fixed
this is the problem
it has been two long weeks and school is
going to reopen
wtf guess this is fate barh
and congratulations my youville level 15 le today
fourth day playing
hahaz lol
oh anyway i lost all songs too

notes of a tragedy
3:48 PM

Friday, June 26, 2009

grrrrrrrrrrrrrr fuck that
sigh i started a game yesterday on facebook
called youville
and today was my second time playing
and the wtf dunno forget wat name cheated me $632!!!
grr now i pok liao
can declare bankruptcy le
sigh wat a tough luck
guess i too noob le

notes of a tragedy
1:29 PM

Monday, June 22, 2009

it has been about one week
since my psp went for service and the
damn guy took so long sigh guess no more playing
until end of june holidays le

notes of a tragedy
3:50 PM

Sunday, June 21, 2009

second time posting today
sigh actually nothing to do so i did homework
see i soo guaii
not really lah did the composition for english i then realised
i am so used to short form
especially the what to WAT
and (to) to 2
well i think if i do a little everyday
i think i will complete it soon
hey anyway anybody did the chinese i
really dun wish to do u know
it is so fucking
i hated chinese already but through
the homework i hated it even more
sigh this wont work hey but alot of people haven touch
the chinese homework which is a good news to me u know
sigh nvm no more topic to talk le

notes of a tragedy
4:53 PM

yesterday was normal didn't went out with anyone
cause there is H1N1 in singapore and the rate has
shot up to one hundred+++
well just kidding not in the mood to play though
anyway anybody saw the show absolute boyfriend?
its quite good though
a little funny overall is remarkable
hahaz i even downloaded the song
called 0kaeri it was sang byAyaka
a female singer and oso a janpanese well the song was quite nice
alrite have to eat le bb

notes of a tragedy
1:30 PM

Friday, June 19, 2009

well Hi there today
went ECP
east coast park lah idiot
not for fun but the npcc
brought us there
I REPEAT not for FUN
for lecture?
sigh i went there when i was P5
to cycle walk get cards stamped
but today i stuck up in the conference room
few hours
but okay lah as i am going 2 recieve my very first BADGE!!!!
but still haven give...
hows homework coming along?
left with....1..2..3.. 5
lastly i haven do chinese homework it sucks you know

notes of a tragedy
9:21 PM

Thursday, June 18, 2009

am i a pig???
cause today i woke up at 1 o'clock
and yesterday i slept at 11 so early
nvm hey er thx ya cute blogskin up
now at rajiv hse posting this msg and playing
vbox 360

notes of a tragedy
2:39 PM

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

well had a dog blog still feeling bored....
my blog so lonely
i think need shut down soon
le.... nth 2 post

notes of a tragedy
4:49 PM

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Well wat a lonely blog
yea anyway my psp
have to be fixed with
pok liao
can declare bankruptcy
it was so ex.
sigh today watched
Ghost Of Girlfriend Past
well from the start of the
till the end remarks given
from jeroemy was
well it was quite pervertic
as the corner actually touches a breast
with admiring eyes
he was a flirt
anyway it was a nice movie
oh yea not scary at all
but i will rate it a little
sigh then after the movie went shopping
well jeroemy bought so many things!!!
sigh homework still haven clear
i wan cry le...
no actually not

notes of a tragedy
5:45 PM

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Now i forgotten when was the last time i posted and ya iwanted to say alot of stuffs

i recently must be out of my mind to actually watch HANNA MONTANNAH sorry if i spell wrongly

well had a great time on 9 JUNE swimming in jurong east erm ya had a great time in a pool that is yellow in colour

sigh i got scolded for my PSP started producing some black lines and then it cant be turn on should be VIRUS

i changed the blogskin and into a cute one?and i dont intend in anyway for the words that appear im falling...for you alrite? anyway i gotta go so yea see ya!!!!

notes of a tragedy
6:30 PM

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

sigh today lost 1 matches and didn't made it to the finals
but nvm we did our best is just unluckiness
for the stomachache to happen so nevermind cheer up WAN QI!!!!
so anyway we putted up a good fight with 1-4 so yea sastisfied
so just relax tmr support them can liao
oh ya today after bmt at school went to visit my former form teacher
with wei jie my old best friend maybe i will say my
first brother at school?
well alot to catch up
chat... chat...chat....then we went home nth really
but i really enjoyed today as i get to see my teacher on her B'DAY
and get to meet my "brother" after so long sigh anyway thats all bb

notes of a tragedy
10:28 PM

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

yesterday so fun played at the boon lay lan the dota
i noob lorh but still LR i like it better
eddy so pro min young, wai lun , wei jian and me versus him
we tio owned leh
sigh then i went home liao they play basketball or soccer i forget liao
today my MUM on course
MY DAD went work
MY BRO studying at school alone at home
one whole day as my bro study till 3.30 came back bathe go to tuition
my father 8.30 come back
my mum 7pm then come back hahaz!!!!!!!!
later going out playing BMT with min young
thats all buaiiss

notes of a tragedy
10:54 AM

Friday, May 15, 2009

today went alot of places
when i and wai lun going back home at the escalator,
one scissors dropped and landed near my feet
sigh but lucky
no time le bb

notes of a tragedy
1:47 PM

Thursday, May 14, 2009

todayso funny wai lun found his english file at KFC then we went MAC to eat afterthat i take zong hong ipod and runaway to the top of mac then he go chase me soo funny lorh after that on 240 wai lun discover he left his file at MAc hahaz

notes of a tragedy
12:33 PM

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

sigh todaY HAD MY laugh, wai lun kana tricked by the 5 naughty guys eh including me PSPS then horhs he HE finish liao called us ask where we are we told him at KFC then he come liao he come in at the front door then we sit at one corner he walk walk walk nvr see us then went out at the back door then actually we decided to act never see him de but he really never see us he started calling jeroemy again

"hello where are you all?"

"we at MAc lah"

and then we see him walk all the way to macdonalds so funny

min young the only good guy called him and told him we at Kfc once again we see him running back to Kfc so funny lorhs

then when he comes we all almost eat finish liao

then min young said he got H1N1 so he go pour the ice in his cup to wei jian

jeroemy saw that and say i join in the end the whole lot of ice all gathered at the wei jian tray

i decorated it with some chilli and the whole thing is like some glass pieces with some blood!!! have a look at this picture

nice? sigh gtg buaiis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eh ya horh my MAths...die liao..............................................................................................

notes of a tragedy
4:12 PM

Friday, May 8, 2009

sigh today took history MYE i all oso can de but frget how to do inference DIE LIAO
but today funny lah
after school went to finish my CME
then we submit to that MRS tan
then told her Gokul didn't do anything
then after that she told us who haven hand in and tell us
to inform them
wei jian called Zhi Jia then zhijia so funny lawls
mrs tan ask who she hand in to
then wei jian help her ask lah then horhs
she say mrs tan so wei jian pass the phone over
then mrs tan talk to her........................
then went pulse studio
play there
we dance jumpstyle in the dark cause the 1-2
shutted all lights
then min young hurt by jeffrey
then min young took 246
i and wei jian and wai lun took 240
then on bus we discuss where to eat
decided we go lai lai wai lun dun mind but wei jian mind
then i go add noodles same as wei jian while wai lun only eat chocken rice
he still hungry
so sad i and wei jian so full lorh
wei jian eat like baby he stained his uni with sauce hahaz
then shop then walk to the bus interchange
i saw a sony errison flyer
then i faked fell down went kick the flyer who knows wai lun
stepped on it and really nearly fell so funny!!!!
then bus 243W come liao i run lorh before
i run i heard wai lun say i never chase after bus de
who knows when i run until there,
i saw a F1 formula chasing the bus
who is it?
LIM WAI LUN!!!!! hahaz
sigh came to the end of my post good luck for rest of the MYE
hope we stay in EXPRESS

notes of a tragedy
9:18 PM

Saturday, May 2, 2009

sigh got scolded this few days i wun say scolded erm maybe accused would be a better term?
let me tell you the story
1) yesterday went home late then my father go scold me this one not accused
but he scold me then get all unrelated stuff togather and blast at me like everyday play basketball i tried to tell him i hardly touches basketball nowadays but!!!!i haven't say already kana wack fuck sia i was totally fed up with him hey i not ur dog leh neither am i ur cat or watsoever pet u own i am a human being dude!!! erms not dude is entirely a fucker
2) today went to KFC ate with Wai lun, Min young, wei jian, luther david and jeroemy then when go back i boarded the bus 154 then the entrance thingie close liao then jeroemy and others
(J run) across the road i only wave my hands in the bus marh then i dunno which idiot go press the bell profusely then the bus captain turn the head never see who then started to scold me liao i feel like argueing with her and fuck her off i wanted to scream at her BITCH and then leave the bus sigh tolerated with that bitch( bus captain so wat accuse me and that idiot press the bell oso de own up lah!!!! coward! moron! mother fucking bundei)
3) came home got sweat accidentally lie on my bro bed scolded again then sian...
4) mother scold me again for using computer now hated my family so muchhhhhhhh

you know what in my family none of them is loved and you know what
question setted for you
Qs: who i love most in my house???
*pls ans at my cbox
ans will be revealed if you ask me at school hahaz thats ya buaiis

notes of a tragedy
3:41 PM

Friday, April 24, 2009

sigh got a new blogskin and songs all abt JAy Chou
today went to see basketball match
all lose to unity sec
sigh but nvm
we r the 2nd for both!!!!
"eh clap lah"
heard some idiots on the opposite side
"asshole....unity... asshole"
sang with them
then the C gals
sigh no eyes to see i dunno wat they doing at least the guys are better lorh
i bet everybody agrees with me
then chee meng and i go take the thing then talk to each other funny lawls
he said to me that he love me
nearly vomited
replied but i don't
diao i think i am very lame now a days
sigh actually got alot of things to say oneand
got pictures alot of them to post one but no time
next time can i promise....
hahaz buaaiss by the way welcome
erm oh ya the links are all expired but i oso have no time so sorry
and oh ya hope you enjoy ur stay here
and oh ya good luck for all ur examinations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

notes of a tragedy
7:29 PM

Saturday, April 18, 2009

omg!! thats the first thing i said in the morning when i board the bus

make a guess.....

i didn't bring my crest but i got bring my beret

so wats the use of bringing the beret?????


borrowed one crest from NP room

then went parade hahaz finally made it but a little

bit wat today as the boots

sigh not use to it after npcc

i and wai lun and yong kee

walked to mac on the way we put all our stuffs on his bag

now there is three NPCC clothes hanging on his bag one plastic bag with the boots and another shoe bag then he carry his bag all the way to mac with the things dangling maybe a picture would be better for u to understand
so now i guess u understand liao huh
come on lah i not bullying!!!!neither is wai lun
then took bus back then nth liao now posting this word posting
thats all ya
erm but abt the parade hehe nth special lah just fun!!!!!!!!!

notes of a tragedy
12:58 PM

Saturday, April 11, 2009

sigh today had a bad quarrel with my dad again
yesterday was a mess agreed with Ee min
sigh but was fun overall exspecially the makings of water bombs part damn fun
the gals keep peeking through to the guys toilet
so many people doing their STUFFS inside and they took a peek
hehehe didn't know u all so naughty...jkjk dun scream at me...
before we went there walked around at JP with min young,jeromy,wei jian and david
then reach there through some BLUR sotongs
then nvm i and david planned a trick to fool LE yuan but failed we pretended talking to each other
and i was holding a "bomb"
then David hinted me close enough so i threwbut it didn't burst
instead it bounced FUNNY???
then we went the playground i was turned
into a toy threw around poor me
then played?? i think learn would be a better word volleyball
till met two bastard which turned the weather "gloomy"
bunch of idiots.....act innocence OIIII u out there it is sooner or later
ur ass will be spank by gangsters all i could do is say good luck
then ate at MAc with.........then Ee min complained
MY UMBRELLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heck cares then go changed
then took bus 30 reached home 8.15
tio scold i dunno why i got scolded i told them i sms them wat
and i seriously never NEVER heard my dad say i must be back for dinner???
so i was in a lost and i AM grounded
this morning second chance given but afternoon quarreled with him
sigh so tired for all this happening
why are u blaming me for all this
think u very great and mighty
soon u wait.......................
tmr tuition earlier 9o'clock sigh hw haven't do
is not haven't do is dunno how to do
afterall my tuition friends i think all asleep at this time nvm
tmr get scolding
not first time ...............................................................................................................................

notes of a tragedy
10:07 PM

Friday, April 10, 2009

sigh yesterday too tired and no time to post erm would i say tired
or...lazy should be a better word to describe
yesterday ran 2.4km came in second quite proud but can be better
afterall i stopped once due to hardly can breathe
and wai lun came in 1st with 10.17 while me 10.36
wai lun better than 1-1 ming han only get 10.19 lorh
soo good lucky hong liang wasn't around or i will get third
hahaz then went musuem which i would say a little boring though
then played basketball two hours until six +++
nth really happen reach home and rested
today later class outing i going hope is a fun one

notes of a tragedy
11:55 AM

sigh yesterday got no time to post
erm should i say no time
or lazy would be a better word???
nvm 2.4km walk/run was over
left with the five stations got to buck up
dudes out there too
my timing wasn't very good afterall
i got stop for once as i hardly can breathe
i was struggling like hell yesterday
making out a second lucky hong liang wasn't there
i will be third
sianz my timing is 10.36
wai lun topped the class(temporary)
with a score of 10.17
soooo good lorh even ming han only 10.19
sigh.....then went museum
nth to say the trip was only okay slightly boring though
then came back played basketball for two hours.....
then went home and lazed around tired lawls
today later class outing to west coast seriously i still have no idea
we go there to feed the mosquitoes is it???
or go there and medidate why pick that place for class outing!!!!
nvm anyway i going liao so just go there see see look look barh buais

notes of a tragedy
11:49 AM

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

todays arghs sianz
went to npcc rehersal postponed my history learning journey
i todays shocked to know that i was praised my MR dunno wat
and now my leg hurts sobs
tmr 2.4km NAPFA run
i would prefer to go to the trip if i know all this going to happen so tiring
although fun
rumours were heard that NCO selina hairband snapped during rehersal marching
then we tease her when fall in
then she embarressed so told us to stop it
then i said we was only stating the facts
ma'am mei yu told me to fall out sianz i 'serdiya' position
then SIR desmond said that the MR dunno what praised the sec 1
march very good then he point at me and said to the whole NPCC unit
and said u know wahat this fellow did
then i panic....
who knows he say the MR wat praise my marching hahaz i was so the happy

i believe in miracles, out of the dusk, i can see rainbows
Without hope, there is no life

good luck to all my gans for NAPFA test

yours sincerely,

notes of a tragedy
9:40 PM

Monday, April 6, 2009

notes of a tragedy
6:55 PM

today i was playing after school although i wanted to train NAPFA but rain sianz then we played basketball for soo long until my leg soo tired
then i go play basketball 1 vs 4
i 1 they four
wai lun,wei jian, joey,brandon
i act hero but fail lorh i n the end...
5-3 i three only i sux leh
sigh hten 2 vs 1
i act hero again
this time i suceeded
went home
with wei jian
no walked home
we walked two streets away
and rest at the bus-stop
as my leg pain too sad
then we listened to musics
then i send him some and
we went home sad nth happen today
then now at home post for fun
sigh erm tmr i want go run 2.4 km
who want come???
i am now definite that all is over nothing
more to do with you and towards you is emptiness .....
maybe only few people understand but i am not joking...
perhaps no people understands at all.....

notes of a tragedy
6:20 PM

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sianzzz i wonder if tmr LIT will be very hard bless me to pass the subject....and oso D&T hahaz sianz at home nth to do erms anything to post today???dunno leh maybe next time lah i seriously dunno wat to write
oh ya ZX i lazy to cahnge ur name so giv it up on telling me barhs

notes of a tragedy
9:55 PM

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

today i think i will flunk my maths and my geography common test oh and including chinese but nvm i will work hard from now trust me once more!!!!but today funny sio i and brandon and wai lun and dunno who went home together then we walked to the another bus stop nearer to the MAC that one walk halfway someone screamed from behind two gals and u know why it started to rain we tok were nth at first but who knows it gets bigger and bigger wow we ran lorhs then went the bus stop w8 for bus so long then we BO liao then brandon poured away his water and threw his bottle leaving his cap he aimed for the dustbin while he his sitting down and it missed the cap flew to the road then we hoped that any car would roll over it but it didn't sad...then it started to rain even heavier all was blur and know wat ?? brandon went to take the cap at the road and ran back...he took a shuttle run and was ALL WET!!!!! from head to toe funny he threw at the road this time but it went into the drain nth to play liao and damn boring then i noticed got puddle of water at the side of the route but not near us lah then we all wet for car to come to splash the water then we looked at the scenery but no cars were powerful enough to splash the water to another car at another side of route then here comes a truck speeding though and it sped off guess what the water was awsome and it splashes on an ongoing lorry at the opposite of the route then we all is like wwwwwwwoooowwww then one bus 154 stopped at the opposite road the wiper is faulty and the bus driver got down to fix although it was raining heavily he used manual power to mke it funny lorh then nvm lah nth really then bus 154 finally came and a stupid biker parked his bike at the bus stop there then the bus cant stop it stopped quite outside causing us to get FREE SUPPLY WATER btw tmr science and history GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

notes of a tragedy
9:10 PM

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

TMR common test 2 must buck up i didn't even know today hav chinese until QUI FENG(jie) told me sobs didn't manage to learn sigh sure fail againtoday went mac wth WAI LUN, JOEY,VIVIAN,QUI FENG and WAN QI after that i told qf to bring ee min to BB court after eng remedial(sry dunno how 2 spell) then i anmd wai lun played bb so long w8ing for her she nvr come guess wat?? she went to volleyball cca FUCKING???then nvm went up took thumbdrive then the library we booked a com started doing then funny so a senior of NPCC a sec 3 then we i he and his friend samuel played DEAL or NO DEAL funny sio we were so happy when left with two case and the top ONE MILLION isn't chosen yet then between err.....21 and 26 i think he go picked num 6 and guess wat???the one million flew from his hands and it was damn funny cause we told him nOOOOOOOO!!!!!but he selected 26 so sad in the end he got 100 dollars only eh eh eh money face only a game lah no CASH sad sigh then do fuinish then played BB(basket ball) wth wai lun then play until sec three a two sec 3 student came ask for 2 on 2 then we won them for first two sets hahaz third set i was injured and went home wth wai lun funny took the bus then met NCO selina then we sit behing her after that near the interchange tHAT TIME WAI LUN LOOKED DOWN AT THE FLOOR AND SUDDENLY HE FROM HIS SIT RUN FORWARD SAYING EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....THEN I TOK HE GOING TO FALL THEN I SEE RITE U KNOW WAT??? HIS BASKETBALL DROPPED AND HE CHASED AFTER THE BALL ALL THE WAY TO THE ENTRANCE OF THE BUS IT WAS DAMN FUNNY SIO!!!!.......erm ya sry for wat i said wan qi i was joking sry.....
GOOD LUCK FOR ALL OUR COMMON TEST 1-3 and all jiess and korsss and meiss eh do i have a mei??
have a good test
have a good time
bless us all
my dear 1-3
is the best!!!!

notes of a tragedy
6:41 PM